Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery & Laser Center: Armando Soto, MD
7009 Dr Phillips Blvd #100
Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: (407) 218-4550
Fax: (407) 218-4551
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Renuvion Before and After Pictures

Case #76304
Before and After Renuvion
Procedure(s): Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76305
Before and After Renuvion
Procedure(s): Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76303
Before and After Renuvion
Procedure(s): Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76302
Before and After Renuvion
Procedure(s): Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76299
There is NOTHING ELSE (as of 2025) that can produce the improvements possible when Renuvion is performed by an experienced, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Armando Soto.
Procedure(s): Renuvion, Body Contouring w/Multiple Procedures, Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76300
Renuvion treatment improves skin's appearance by safely causing contraction (tightening) and reduction of area.
Procedure(s): Renuvion, Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76333
This young man wanted to achieve a more trim and masculine appearance. He is extremely happy after having Liposuction with Renuvion by Dr Soto in Orlando. He is shown before and 8 weeks after his procedure.
Procedure(s): Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction, Renuvion, Liposuction
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76337
This patient wanted a nonsurgical improvement in the contour of her upper arms. She is very pleased with the improvement seen several months after Renuvion treatment by Dr. Soto in Orlando.
Procedure(s): Renuvion, Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76341
This patient was unhappy with the appearance and contour of her upper arms, and wanted improvement with minimal scarring. She is very pleased with the results achieved after Renuvion treatment.
Photos courtesy of David Melniczek. ... Read More
Procedure(s): Renuvion, Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76342
Back rolls make everybody who has them very unhappy, and before Renuvion there were no reliably effective treatment options. This patient is very happy with the outcome achieved. If you have back rolls you are unhappy with, come talk to us abou... Read More
Procedure(s): Renuvion, Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76343
This gentleman wanted to achieve improvement in the appearance of his torso. He is very pleased with the achievement shown after Renuvion treatment.Photos courtesy of Emil Kohan, MD
Procedure(s): Renuvion, Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto

Case #76344
Many women have loose skin on their inner thigh areas and we have yet to meet one that loves it. Many treatments have been tried to improve this problem without a long scar with very limited success. Renuvion is safe and very effective for this... Read More
Procedure(s): Renuvion, Renuvion
Provider: Dr. Armando Soto