*Includes surgical, anesthesia, and OR fees, and post-surgical garments
Thousands of women receive breast enhancement procedures every year—and while many patients are happy with their results, there are some patients who, for one reason or another, didn’t quite achieve the look they desired. These women often pursue revision of their breast enhancement procedures. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Armando Soto has years of advanced training and experience in complicated revision breast surgery.
Indeed, many patients visit Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery every year in pursuit of improvement of an unfavorable outcome from prior surgery. In some cases, patients are dissatisfied with the size resulting from their breast augmentation; others require breast revision surgery to replace or exchange their implants due to problems or for an improvement in shape. The breast implants that were perfect for your 20s may not be what you want in your 40s. Patients may also undergo this procedure with Dr. Soto because they’re concerned about the age of their implants.
Serving Breast Revision Patients Throughout the Orlando Metro Area
Dr. Armando Soto delivers personalized results for breast revision patients from all over the Orlando metro region and across Florida who want to feel more confident and comfortable about their breast shape, size, and appearance. He regularly serves patients from communities including:
Breast revision surgery is performed for many reasons, including to remove or exchange old breast implants, for improvement in size and/or shape. Listed below are the most common cases where a patient may be a candidate for this treatment:
Breast Implant Removal
Women who undergo breast augmentation obviously desire an increase in breast fullness. Individual goals for appearance may shift over time, however, with some patients opting to revert back to their natural breast size. Others may want to remove their implants because of health concerns or for other, personal reasons. Breast revision surgery might involve any number of surgical and non-surgical maneuvers to perfect or idealize the shape and size of the breast according to the individual patient’s goals.
Ruptured Implant
Despite the knowledge that implants are safe and leakage rare, it is important to understand that eventually all implants will rupture. When saline-filled implants rupture, the body absorbs the solution and the breast noticeably deflates. In the case of silicone-filled implants, the gel will settle where it is originally placed and the only way to verify rupture is with an ultrasound or MRI. This is also the reason why we recommend patients with silicone implants undergo routine ultrasound or MRI scans after a few years, and why Dr. Soto offers these scans at Aesthetic Enhancements.
Capsular Contracture
Because our bodies recognize that breast implants (like pacemakers, artificial joints, and other implants) are not part of us, it is normal for the body to create a capsule of connective tissue around them. It is also normal for the body to want to shrink, or “contract” this tissue over time. Unfortunately, when this contraction is allowed to occur around a breast implant, it will lead to an unfavorable change in shape, and- in advanced cases, even discomfort. This situation can be corrected through revision breast surgery, which will involve removal of the scar tissue and implant. The patient’s goals will then dictate whether a new implant is placed, and any other details necessary to achieve her goals.
Breast Rippling
A noticeable rippling can sometimes be seen underneath or on the side of the breast, especially when using a saline-filled implant. This is generally more common among patients who have very low breast tissue volume or who are very thin. Although not truly a complication, the rippling and wrinkling can cause an unnatural appearance and are among the most common reasons patients aren’t satisfied with saline-filled implants.
Dr. Armando Soto
Dr. Soto is a board-certified plastic surgeon who brings an exceptional level of attention, skill, and integrity to every patient and procedure. For more than 15 years, he has helped Orlando women and men look and feel fabulous using innovative yet proven surgical and nonsurgical options. As a well-respected plastic surgeon, Dr. Soto is a member of leading professional associations, including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and The Aesthetic Society.
When an implant moves out of the intended pocket, it may cause the appearance of a double breast where a significant crease is noticeable. Implants not properly placed may drop and extend past the breast’s crease or rise, forming an odd volume on top of the breast. Sometimes implants are displaced by severe capsular contracture or tightening of scar tissue. Patients who experience this often pursue revision surgery as this condition progresses over time.
Breast Size & Shape
Breast implants vary in size, texture, shape, and base. Some patients may be unhappy with how the breast looks and may consider a revision surgery to improve the appearance according to preference. It may be a size increase, decrease, or an improvement in the shape and position of the breast that they are seeking. Some patients also later realize that they’d rather have silicone instead of saline. All preferences will be considered to modify the breast to your preferences.
Surgical Technique
Revision surgery is tailored according to our patient’s anatomy and her goals. With this treatment, a major correction is done to the enhanced breast in conjunction with scar tissue removal, if necessary, or a breast lift if there is sagging. There are instances when a scaffolding (a tissue matrix device) will be needed to act as an internal underwire if additional support is required. Ultimately, the correction aims to fix the issue that’s the source of the patient’s dissatisfaction.
During/After Surgery
Breast revision surgery is performed with general anesthesia in our internationally accredited surgical facility in Orlando. You may be sent home after an appropriate time in our recovery area, or will spend the night with one of our acute care nurses after your treatment depending on the magnitude of the procedure. It is recommended that you have someone who can drive you home and who can provide support for the first 48 hours. The resumption of activities will depend on the details of your procedure and should be carefully discussed with Dr. Soto. Results are usually seen immediately, but the final outcome will require resolution of swelling and a suitable healing time of approximately 6 weeks.
Breast Augmentation Revision FAQs
How much does it cost to have breast implants redone?
The cost of breast revision surgery depends on several factors, such as the reasons for having your implants replaced, the experience and training of the surgeon, and the type of implants you choose as replacements. Breast revision surgery is more complicated than the initial breast augmentation procedure, so it typically will cost more.
How long do you have to wait to have a breast augmentation revision?
You should wait at least 6 months after having breast augmentation before undergoing breast revision surgery. It’s important to understand that women often don’t see the true results of breast augmentation surgery for several months after the procedure. It takes time for the implants to “drop and fluff,” which means settling into their final position.
Is breast implant revision surgery painful?
The procedure itself is performed using a general anesthetic, so you remain asleep throughout the surgery. Your discomfort during the recovery likely will be similar to what you experienced after your initial breast augmentation procedure.
How do I know if I need a revision?
Women often choose to get revision surgery for cosmetic reasons. But in other cases, the procedure is needed to correct a complication. Many of these complications are easy to see, such as capsular contracture or bottoming out. But if you have silicone-filled implants, you may not notice if an implant ruptures. That’s why we recommend patients with silicone implants undergo routine ultrasound or MRI scans after a few years.
What causes dents and ripples in breast implants?
Visible ripples or dents typically occur with saline-filled implants. There isn’t a specific cause, but rippling can usually be seen if a woman is very thin or has little breast tissue. Placing implants behind the chest muscle is the best way to avoid the risk of visible rippling.
Can breast augmentation revision surgery be combined with other procedures?
The goal of breast revision surgery is to improve the shape and appearance of the breasts. Accomplishing this goal often requires combining a breast lift or breast reduction with the revision procedure. You can also discuss combining body contouring procedures with revision surgery during your consultation.
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